

Tricks to Escape Shell for beginners(Bash & Powershell)

Hello and welcome back this time we'll see crafty ways of escaping bash and PowerShell  I really wanted to talk about one of my favourite characters the escape character and how it relates to base64 encoding in PowerShell so the thing about escaping is it's delightful and if I were to just quote Wikipedia I would say 

"An escape character is a character that invokes an alternative interpretation on subsequent characters in a character sequence."


So like for example if you're in bash and if you type echo this is "bash" and hit enter, you'd notice that the quotes don't appear and that's because bash is actually trying to interpret those quotes and subsequently anything inside of them.

Same in
PowerShell if we do echo this is "powershell" we're going to get totally different results because special characters are special, So to treat those special characters differently or interpret them as regular characters we just need to escape them or perceive those characters with the escape character so in bash that character is gonna be ( \ ) backslash and in PowerShell that's going to be ( ` )back tick.

So in our examples the lines would look like echo follow \" me\" and in PowerShell it's gonna be the same thing except instead of back slashes we're gonna use back ticks.

Right so quotation marks aren't the only special characters that you might need to escape in bash you're gonna find Bang( ! ), quote( " ), dollar( $ ), pound( £ ), amp( & ) so many others, The same thing with PowerShell.

Here's a fun little trick that you can use to forego the entire situation at least in PowerShell and that is to use an encoded command Powershell accepts encoded command which states that it accepts a base64 encoded string version of a command which is sort of Microsoft saying hey escaping is hard so just encode it a different way.


Now if you're not familiar with Base64 it's just a simple way of representing any arbitrary binary data in an ASCII format assembly you get 64 simple printable characters then you just choose them to represent stuff. so according to wikipedia 

Base64 is a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.

It's basically a way of encoding arbitrary binary data in ASCII text. It takes 4 characters per 3 bytes of data, plus potentially a bit of padding at the end. 

Essentially each 6 bits of the input is encoded in a 64-character alphabet. The "standard" alphabet uses A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and + and /, with = as a padding character. There are URL-safe variants. WiKi

HID Attack:

We just learned that PowerShell will accept base64-encoded commands which are made up of those characters you don't actually need to escape then you might imagine that you could put those things together and just take the headache out of this stuff completely so as an example if we were to make like this payload here that creates a new directory called thesecuritybye and then does a directory listing we get actually base64 those and sent him off to powershell.

Okay so open up your terminal and type

echo "mkdir thesecuritybye;ls" | iconv -t utf-16le | base64 
It actually converts that over to utf-16 encoding which is what PowerShell is going to be expecting and then by piping that to base64 well we get that simple plaintext ascii that if we copy it back over onto a powershell and type powershell -E yourbase64.
There you go we get the expected results. Now you can this payload with any HID attack like a bash bunny or kali net hunter.

That's it for today guys if you want to see more about Escape Characters or what me make a post on a specific topic let me know by commenting or by sending me a message on facebook.

I think it's pretty cool you can do a lot other crazy stuff  but i'm kind of still learning right now so try it out let me know what you think and i will catch you guys later.✌

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